Chirikjian, Simon
Work Experience Coordinator

What is Diversified Education?

Diversified Education serves as the umbrella title for four different delivery systems targeting the specific needs of the students they serve:

  1. Alternative Work Experience – (WE) -Grades 9 and 10
  2. Cooperative Diversified Education – On-the-Job Training (CDE-OJT) - Grade 12
  3. Diversified Career Technology (DCT) – Grades 9 to 12
  4. Diversified Career Technology for students with disabilities (DCT-H) Grades 9-12

     There are two common factors that link the Diversified Education programs:

  1. Students participate in off-campus paid employment experiences.
  2. Students are given the opportunity to participate in a State and National Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO).


DCT District Performance competition at Fast Train college